Guard Your Mind

The other day I had a situation where I was bothered by something a friend of mine did. Later that night I found myself in a thought loop of self-righteousness thinking "that was so rude; how could they do that; I would never do that to someone" etc.

Then I caught myself. As you probably know by now, I am a full believer that our thoughts create our realities which then means what goes through my mind is the most valuable resource I have. Why would I spend my precious mental energy replaying the scenario or even giving it to that person at all?!

When these things happen to us, it's never about the other person. It's always about us and how we handle it. We have a tendency to sit on our high horse and point the finger at someone or something else, but that is the easy way out.

Can you take it as an opportunity to look inward? Find out why you're so triggered by it?

When a situation activates us, it means there is an aspect of ourselves that needs to be healed. If you can recognize it, you start to take better care of yourself in those moments and not let people or situations bother you. And it's extremely liberating because it means nothing anyone does can ever shake you!

Imagine if more people in the world stopped pointing fingers and instead used it as an opportunity to look at themselves? Wow what a more peaceful world we'd have!

Let's all do our part :)




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