Physical & Mental Fitness

It wasn't that long ago when it wasn't just a given that we had to exercise everyday. Over the last several years, people all over the world have become more aware of the importance of living an active lifestyle.

You can see it in the rapid growth in the size and popularity of the fitness industry. There are new gyms, classes, trainers and home equipment popping up daily.

It's my opinion that's what happening in the world of mental wellness.
People are waking up to the fact that we have to take care of our minds just as much as we take care of our bodies.

More people are getting into meditation, self-care is the new buzz word and talk therapy is becoming commonplace.

The high-performers like CEOs, Wall Street's elite and pro athletes understand the importance of it. Heck in the show Billions they even have a mindset coach on staff!

It hasn't quite been picked up by the masses the way physical fitness has but I believe it's getting there.

There are a lot of similarities when it comes to working with our bodies and working with our minds. You must push yourself to get uncomfortable if you want to see results.

If you can get through those tough moments, the rewards of confidence, clarity and excitement on the other side just keep building.

Just like the body, the mind performs better when you strengthen it.

When was the last time you exercised your mind? Your mindset must be worked on daily just like your body.




Open Mindedness

