Happiness is a State of Mind

It's written in the the Declaration of Independence that our natural rights are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Maybe that's why we've got it all wrong. It's been engrained in us that we have to pursue happiness. Like somehow it's out there, somewhere outsideof us.

For most of my life this is what I did. Worked at a job I didn't love but paid well, then used that money to go incessantly pursue things I thought would make me happy - vacations, concerts, material possessions etc.

The problem was that everything was so short-lived and kept me cravingmore which meant I needed even more money to keep chasing all the endless things I thought would make me happy.

Now I understand that is NOT how it works. Happiness is a state of mind - it's something inside of us and we must make a conscious choice to be happy every day.

I can be just as happy sitting on my couch sipping tea as I am skiing in Vail for the weekend. It makes life so much better that I never want to be anywhere but where I am at any given moment.

Don't get me wrong, I still fall back into that pattern from time to time since just like everyone else in this country it's so embedded in my mind - but now I am able to stop and recognize when I'm doing it and remember happiness lives within me and no amount of money, fun, adventures etc. will ever be able to fill that.

Because when you're happy on the inside, everything outside must reflect that.





