Keeping the Faith

I'm back in New Jersey visiting family for the holidays and it's fun to be around my sister's three young kids that are still in that age where Christmas is magical.

All of them wrote their lists to Santa detailing exactly what they wanted and then they have complete faith that's what is going to show up under the treeChristmas morning as long as they behave.

What if we kept that kind of faith when asking the universe for what we want?  Get as specific as possible, write it down, think about it often and just know the universe will deliver if we act in an affirmative way.

Both faith and fear require us to believe in the unseen so why don't we focuson what we DO want instead of what we don't?!

encourage you to make your list for the universe before the end of the year for what you want in 2022.  When we can get clear and intentional with what we want, it's amazing how the universe delivers.

Wishing everyone a joyfulhealthy and peaceful holiday - remember to take some deep breaths and savor the moments.




Lean into the Hard Stuff


Smile Through It