Lean into the Hard Stuff

I learned to ski when I moved to Colorado.  It's much different learning to ski as an adult and the fear feels very real.  Although I've come a long way in five years, I still get scared when I come to an extra steep part of the mountain.

My instinct is to slow down, lean back and cautiously make my way down which prolongs the scary part and makes it so much worse.

When I can get out of my own head, lean into the downhill and just ski, I get through the difficult part so much faster.

Because I'm always thinking about mindset and analogies, I immediately thought about how similar that is to life's challenges.

Our instinct is to avoid the challenge and pull away from it.  But that actually just makes it more difficult on ourselves as we struggle through it.  If we can be bold, lean into the obstacle and face it with confidence, it not only makes it easier but you then get through it quicker.

Every problemchallenge or negative situation is a great opportunity to learngrow and improve ourselves.  Look at it like a lesson and be braveenough to face it head on.




Clean Slate


Keeping the Faith