The Soul

The other morning, I woke up to a thought in my head that said “The soul is who you are before the mind chimes in.”  

After that, I proceeded to slip into a state of bliss, of pure awareness looking out through “my” eyes.  I was in complete awe.  The state of bliss didn’t last all that long before the mind came in “You need to start getting ready for the day.”  I begrudgingly listened and got out of bed.

I’ve been thinking about this a lot over the past week.  Do you ever have an impulse to do something - compliment a stranger in the grocery store, get up and dance to your favorite song in a restaurant, run through the rain in your nice clothes, quit your job, buy that dream house.

Then the mind comes in: “No, they’ll think you’re weird.”  “I don’t want people to think I’m crazy.”  “Ehh I don’t want to mess up my clothes.”  “That would be irresponsible.”

That impulse, that is your soul, the truth of who you are.  All the fearful thoughts that come after is the mind.

I want to live honoring my soul, not listening to the mind.  This will take some practice for me since I have learned to live by mind my whole life.  But the more I don’t listen to it, the more fun I have, the more free I feel, the more things unexpectedly work out and the more I feel like I am honoring what I really want.

It hasn’t been an easy journey and certainly not a logical one, but as I do this the more trust I have in myself and life.

What is your soul telling you to do that your mind is talking you out of?  Try following your soul and see how things start to work out.




Hidden Parts


Choose Joy