Choose Joy

I no longer buy into the paradigm that we have to work hard, struggle and do something we don’t enjoy everyday just to save money to retire when we’re older and then start to really live.  Who sold us this idea?!  

Our life is precious and the future is not guaranteed.  Why should we spend it any other way than what brings us joy?!  

Of course we all want money and the freedom that comes along with it.  But most of the time if you were to ask people what brings them joy, it’s things like spending time with family, taking the dog for a walk, being in nature, seeing a beautiful sunset, reading a good book, enjoying a delicious meal.  

All of these things are easily at our disposal and cost very little.  Why do we deny ourselves from these simple pleasures?!  Or if we are indulging in them, very seldomly are we 100% present - most of the time the stressors of work and life are still on our minds.

I’m now consciously choosing joy everyday.  I want to experience these simple pleasures and not take them for granted.  

I’m no longer waiting for a tomorrow that may or may not come. I am investing in my happiness now.  Happiness and joy is a choice we can make everyday.

Who’s with me?!




The Soul

