One Year Milestone

You may have seen if you follow me on social media that last week I celebrated one year since I stopped drinking.

I'm really proud of this and it blows my mind it's been a year already. When I started this journey, it was scary and unknown. A life without alcohol would be a HUGE change. I had never gone more than a week or so without it.

The thought of giving it up indefinitely seemed overwhelming. But I knew it all started wtih a decision.

All I had to do was decide not to drink and recommit to that decision everyday. I've used this same formula for several things in my life now - just make a decision, move in the direction of everyday and miracles start to happen.

Over the weekend, I had a moment of overwhelming gratitude and I burst into tears. I looked at my life and truly saw how I am creating my experience and things are happening that were pipe dreams that I never really thought were possible for me.

I've been letting go of things that no longer serve me, walking into the unknown and committing to my future everyday - the more I do that, the more good starts flowing to me.

I have this quote on a post it on my computer for a daily reminder and I'm really understanding the power of it - "Your journey to grow, succeed and flourish in life, starts with a commitment to yourself."

It's easy not keep commitments you make to yourself. But what you don't realize is that it subconsciously sends a signal to your mind that you don't value yourself, you can't trust yourself and your confidence slowly withers.

What do you want to commit to? Reply to this email and let me know - when you announce it to someone else you're much more likely to keep it.

I believe in you!






Open Mindedness