Happy Birthday to Me!

I turned 40 on Thursday!  And I had a wonderful day and weekend celebrating with some of my favorite people in my life doing things that make me happy.

I had so much fun and was feeling so much love and gratitude.  But why do we wait for one day a year to feel and do that?!

What if we celebrated everyday as if it were our birthdayDoing things we love, surround ourselves with people we love, feel so much love and appreciation.

Why wait for once a year to celebrate ourselves?  We have the opportunity to celebrate ourselves everyday, in every moment.

It doesn’t have to be a big to-do but can you just pause and feel gratitude for another day to be alive, for everything and everyone wonderful in your life, for all the amazing things you’ve accomplished.  To reflect and see how far you've come and get excited for what's ahead instead of just paying attention to the number.

Find time, even if for five minutes a day to do something just for yourself, something you love that makes you happy.

Make it a practice to celebrate yourself daily and celebrate everydayLife is short and each day is truly a giftTreat it as such.





