Be Here Now

You've probably heard this phrase before - my guess is so much so it's probably somewhat lost it's meaning.  Be here now, stay in the present, yea yea I get it.

Lately I've been realizing what it really means to be here now - and how much I'm not "here."  I noticed it when I was in the mountains admiring an absolutely stunning view but I was thinking about what I was going to eat for breakfast and what time I should leave to avoid traffic.

Our bodies are in one place but we're all over in our minds.  Our next steps, the past, events of yesterday, what we have to do today, a conversation earlier that day etc.

What we give our attention to is what we give our energy to - so when we're so caught up in the mental projections in our head we're siphoning energy out of the present moment.

I talk about how powerful our minds are but most people don't realize how powerful they are because when your mind is so scattered, your energy is all over the place diminishing its power.

It's not until you can get your mind to that single pointed focus when you can really harness that power - kind of like taking a magnifying glass to the sun.

It can get discouraging at times after all these years of meditation and working on my mindset, that my mind can still run away with itself.  But instead of getting discouraged, I get excited every time I catch my mind drifting. 

Awareness is always the first step to change and when you can become aware you're not present, that's a win.  And because our minds learn more when you celebrate instead of criticize, it helps to retrain your mind to catch yourself more and more.

Be here now.  And notice how much you're not.




Head vs Heart


Enjoy the Process