Forge Your Own Path

The more awake and aware I become, the more I see how society, culture, the masses all are sending us messages on how we should be living our lives.  

We are supposed to have a steady job, save for retirement, get married, have a family, hold on to our youth, drink to socialize and unwind, etc. etc.  

Rarely do people stop and ask “Is this what I really want for MY life?”  It’s exactly those types of questions that I asked (and continue to ask) myself to make sure I am living my fullest, most authentic life.

👉🏼I got married because I thought that was what I was “supposed” to do and quickly realized it was for all the wrong reasons.  
👉🏼I had the secure, high-paying job because I was just following what I was told.
👉🏼I drank when I went out with friends because that was just what everyone does.

There's absolutely nothing wrong with those things if that is what is true and right for you.  For me, I realized it wasn't

It’s easy to go along with what everyone else does and tells us to do.  It takes a lot of courage to go within and listen to the quiet voice of your soul and even more courage to act on what it is telling you.

We are all unique expressions of God and we’re put here to have our own unique experiences and fully express ourselves.  Many times what we really want is not what is expected of us, and we have to be willing to go against traditions of society.

The opposite of courage isn’t cowardice - it’s conformity.  Be brave enough to forge your own path and listen to the quiet whispers inside of what is true for you.




The Chatter

