
I speak with a lot of people about what they want in their life and who they want to be.  The most common answer?  I don’t know.  Not so much in those exact words but that is basically what they are telling me.

It shows up like this - they’re so wrapped up in the daily to-dos of life, and it’s “good enough” so they don’t give it much thought; they had a general idea from years ago that they are still hustling towards but never actually stopped to ask themselves if that is still what they want; they have shiny object syndrome endlessly chasing new and exciting projects they get bogged down with.  And many other ways.

Clarity is king.  When you can get clear about what you want out of life, life becomes easier!  

What do you want to be when you grow up?”  We heard that question a lot as a child, but we stopped asking ourselves that somewhere along the line.  

Ask yourself now - Are you who you want to be, doing what you always wanted to do?  If the answer is no, why not?

It’s so easy to get caught up in the hamster wheel of life, the trap of busyness and lose sight of the big picture.  If you’re anything like me, I spent a long time climbing a ladder to success only to realize it was leaning up against the wrong wall.

Don’t make the same mistake I did - get clear about what you want in life and the person you want to be.  It’s the way to live a much more purposeful and fulfilling life. 




Forge Your Own Path

