The Chatter

Ugh it’s been a week!  Not because anything necessarily happened per se. But I’ve been dealing with incessant mind chatter.

My mind going on and on - criticizing myself, judging other people, complaining about situations, worrying about pointless things.  Jeeesh!

Is this always happening but I’m suddenly more aware of it?!  It’s a wonder I even get anything done in my life with this constant negative roommate.  

All of the tools I typically use just weren't working.  So what do I do when my mind acts up like this and feels so out of control?  

I surrender to it.  Not in a weak sort of way but I just stop trying to fight against it and let it have its little tantrums.  I become the witness of it.  I don't get invested in what it's saying, I don't believe it, I don't emotionalize it - I just let it be.

I disassociate from it and become the compassionate watcher of all the craziness going on.  I remind myself that I am NOT my mind - I am the awareness that is aware of the thoughts.

They say your pain is your purpose so it's no wonder that I became a mindset coach - because I know the pain well of living with an incessant, unruly mind and what can come when I believe all the negative things it spews off.  And although I've come a long way in my journey, I'm not perfect by any stretch and still can get caught up in the messiness of my mind.

Watch your mind this week and start taking notes of all the things it tells you that just aren't true or don't serve you.  It will bring much more awareness to your habitual thinking that otherwise goes unnoticed and consumes your whole state.




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