Enjoy the Process

If you've been following me for a while, you know I'm always talking about setting a big goal.  Which I do 100% believe in.

But something I tend to forget about is how you must enjoy the process.  I was reminded of this over the weekend when I ran the Golden Leaf half trail marathon in Aspen.

I ran this race in 2018 and it was my goal to run it again after I broke my ankle and had two surgeries over the past three years.  This little goal funnels into my bigger personal goal of being an ultramarathoner trail runner.

The first five miles of my race were a STRUGGLE!!!  My shoes were bothering me and I just wasn't feeling in tip-top shape that morning.  And my mind was going absolutely NUTS.  

I was stressed about my time, comparing myself to the people around me, putting so much pressure on myself and pushing harder and harder even though I wasn't feeling great.

Until I stopped and realized "What the heck was the point of this?!"  I love trail running because I find it to be meditative for me - I clear my mind, get connected to nature and get some of my best ideas when I'm on those runs.  But this was far from enjoyable because of the stress going on in my mind.

If I couldn't enjoy the actual race, what did it even matter if I hit the goal?!  I let go of what the outcome and my time, I ran when I could and walked if I needed a break.  I looked around, enjoyed the beautiful scenery, and started using mantras to focus my mind.  

I ended up finishing within my goal time and the second half of the race was MUCH more enjoyable.

It's important to have goals, but don't get so hung up on the destination you forget to enjoy the process because that's really what it's all about.




Be Here Now


Mind is Everything