Do you trust yourself?

If you follow me on social media, you may have seen a recent video I made on intuition. Our intuition is such a miraculous gift we have - it's one of the mental faculties that sets us apart from the animal kingdom.

But do you use it???

This is something that didn't come naturally to me and I'm continuouslyworking on it. And I've realized something - the minute I start making excuses and justifying something, it means the answer is NO.

When you start justifying something, that's you trying to convince yourself because your intuition knows it isn't right!

No you shouldn't stay in the relationship even though they're a good person.

No you shouldn't stay in the job even though it pays you well.

No you shouldn't eat that food when you know it's not good for you.

Notice when you start doing this and catch yourself. Know that when you start to justify, it's because the answer is NO.

Intuition in a muscle that needs to be exercised daily. Start tuning in and trusting yourself.

We have all the answers.



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Be You


Do you take responsibility?