Do you take responsibility?

As I like to call it: Response-Able. We are able to choose however we want to respond in all situations.

Often times we blame people, conditions or circumstances for what is going on and how we feel in our lives. That is actually avoiding taking responsibility for it.

We are the only ones responsible for our lives.

When we start taking responsibility for everything, we take our power back. We're not giving it to the people, conditions or circumstances we're blaming.

We don't harbor feelings of anger or resentment because we know we are in charge of ourselves.

This isn't always easy to do and I definitely fall back into the blame game at times.

But once you can get into the habit of taking ownership for your happiness, your health, your wealth, your emotional state regardless of what happened in the past - you take control and create a wonderful & peaceful life for yourself.



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Do you trust yourself?


You get what you give.