Be You

A dear friend gave me some feedback last week that shook me. As someone who knows me well and has watched me on my journey, he noticed how I was not fully speaking my truth.

I’ve always been a spiritual person - it’s a huge passion of mine and one of my core goals is to bring spirituality into the business world.

But I’ve noticed how as I am speaking with former colleagues and clients about my new business, I never bring the spiritual side up for fear of sounding “woo woo” and losing credibility with them. So I alter my message a bit.


As far as I’ve come on my journey, I still have old paradigms sneak in - mostly people pleasing and caring what other people think.

I’ve lived a large part of my life that way. But doing this makes you a prisonerof your own making.

How could I possibly conform to every expectation people have of me?! Why would I allow other people’s opinions to shape what I do and who I am?!

It was the gentle slap in the face I needed to hear and remind myself of this.

Let this be your reminder to be yourself. Say what you mean and mean what you say. Let your freak flag fly!

You’re loved just the way you are <3



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Are You Free?!


Do you trust yourself?