You get what you give.

Yes, you've heard that before - but do you live by it?

I'm not just talking about physically giving, I mean what is the energy and intention you put behind everything you do every day?

Do you half heartedly respond to a request from your boss or your child?

Are you annoyed when answering a phone call from a high-maintenance client or a relative?

Are you only thinking about your own agenda when meeting with someone instead of focusing on how you can help?

Do you multi-task (either physically OR mentally) when having a conversation with someone?

The most successful people don't become successful by doing certain things - they become successful by doing them in a certain way.

Put in your best effort with every task. Give it your full attention. Witness what energy you're putting into it and start seeing a better result come back.

Take a look at your day. What can you be doing better?



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PS...If I haven't told you lately, I appreciate YOU and for taking the time to read this :) If you're enjoying my emails, I'd love to hear!


Do you take responsibility?


Everyday is a reason to celebrate.