Celebrate Your Wins

noticed over the past week how quick I am to undermine my own achievements and how easy it is to forget how far I have come in any area of life.

For example, my father asked me how my business was going, and if I was happy with where I am.  My response "It's going great, but wish I was furtheralong."

In my mind, I thought I'd already have 100+ clients and be making my first million at this point.  I compare myself to other coaches and entrepreneurswhose business blew up in their first year.

forget that just one year ago I was still in my corporate job.  That I successfully launched my dream business; that it takes some coaches years before they have as many clients as me; that a year ago I would've been terrified to post a video of myself on social media.

We're always so quick to judge ourselves thinking we still have so far to go, but what about how far we've come?!

The only comparison should be with ourself and being better than we were yesterday.  Let's applaud ourselves for what we've been through, how much we've accomplished despite hardships; how we are differentbetterstronger than we we've ever been.

Think about a win you have (however small) and take a moment to give yourself a good ol' pat on the back.  Do this daily and watch your momentumand self-esteem grow.


Smile Through It


An American Girl in Paris