An American Girl in Paris

I am currently in Paris on a solo trip sitting in a cafe eating a delicious meal.

It’s my first time traveling overseas alone and it’s been fun, exciting and enlightening.

As I walked around the Louvre yesterday, I noticed I wasn’t feeling well and I had some anxiety start setting in. What’s going on? Why was I feeling this way?!

I checked in with my thoughts. I noticed how I fell back into default/unconscious mode where I was allowing the outside world to dictatehow I felt and my human brain was focusing solely on the negative.

I was allowing myself to get annoyed by the crowds, the tourists that were not considerate of my personal space, the people that were taking 100 selfiesin front of the most well known exhibits.

No wonder I was feeling like crap! I quickly shifted my thinking - I rattled off as many things as I could think of that I loved and am grateful for: I love Paris, exploring new cities, my warm winter coat and on and on.

In less than five minutes I completely shifted my state and felt of burst of energy. My thoughts were literally making me sick and I was able to change how I physically felt in just a few minutes by changing my thoughts. How amazing is that?!

When you travel alone it’s such a great time to be with yourself and createyour own experience based on your thinking.

I’m choosing to stay aware, awake, conscious of my thoughts to only create a beautiful, peaceful trip full of helpful people and fun experiences.

When you fall asleep again back to the unconscious way of living, victim to the outside world, catch yourself and try rattling off at least ten things you love. I promise it will be a game changer.

Au revoir!




Celebrate Your Wins

