Are You Free?!

In the spirit of July 4th and celebrating our great country's freedom, it made me think "Are we really free?"

As I've been learning, our brains are literally a computer that gets programmed. And we run on autopilot most of the time. In fact, 96-98% of all of our behaviors, perceptions and results are all driven by our subconscious mind.

Which makes me wonder, are we actually free?

If we're running from these subconscious programs, do we actually have free will? Most of the time the answer is NO.

We're so tied to the stories we tell ourselves on why something can't be done that keep us stuck and comfortable. Throw the subconsciousprogramming on top of that and we literally are in a prison of our own making.

If we don't stay present and aware in every moment of every day, these programs and stories run us and we are not consciously living (let alone creating) our own lives!

We must start to open and expand our minds, study ourselves and learn to tap into the infinite potential that lies deep inside of us.

How you ask? Well I can certainly help with that :)



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Open to Everything


Be You