Best Day Ever

What if today is the best day of your life?!  It is your best day ever because it’s the only one you are guaranteed to have.  It’s the only one that exists right here right nowTomorrow is not certainYesterday is just a memoryToday is all you have.

What will happen on this beautiful, magical day?!  ANYTHING!  Anything is possible.  It’s filled with possibilities and potentials

Maybe you run into an old friend you haven’t seen in a while, maybe you land an exciting business opportunity, maybe you have an unexpected windfall of money, perhaps you get to spend it doing something you love with people you love.  Or maybe nothing extraordinary happens but you're filled with gratitude to witness another rotation of this beautiful planet.  

It’s yours to create anything you want!  You have the choice.

We often lose sight of the fact that all we ever have is this day.  We project so much into the future, we miss the only moment we have.

Get present today and remember today is the best day ever!  You have the power to make it so.




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