
As I continue on my path of self-discovery, I’ve learned how many walls I have put up around myself.

I believe we build these walls after heartbreaks, disappointments and other life experiences that cause us to want to protect ourselves from getting hurt.

What I’ve come to learn is the more we protect ourselves with these mind-made walls, the duller our life experiences become.  

You can only love to the capacity you are able to grieve.  You can only find joy to the capacity that you are able to experience sadness.  It’s only when we fully embrace our failures that we can appreciate our success.

I’ve committed myself to notice and integrate anything that keeps me from living with a fully open heart.  It hasn’t been an easy process. I see how I use things like judgement, criticism and worry to keep me from experiencing the fullness of life.

Now that I’m aware, I am able to catch myself in those unproductive thought loops.  I go inside and I nurture that part of me that is afraid and using those things as a defence mechanism.  

I’ve come a long way and believe that my life is blossoming in such a beautiful way because I am so much more open to living and experiencing fully without fear.  Trusting that I will be able to handle anything that life throws my way.

While this will be an ongoing journey for me to dismantle these walls, I know that all it takes is a lot of presence to notice when they creep back up.

Where are you building walls around yourself?  Can you begin trusting your heart has the capacity to weather any storm and let go of your walls?




Two Operating Systems

