Playing it Safe

I’ve become aware that I have been playing it safe in several areas of my life.  I am so fearful of making a mistake or failing that I don’t go all in.

I didn’t even realize I was doing this.  But thank you to my coach and some deep inner work I became aware of this pattern.  I get into my head and start overthinking things before they even get started.

I judge myself harshly thinking “I should know better.”  But aren’t all experiences for us to learn and grow?  It doesn’t matter how it turns out because there will be lessons in everything.

So now I want to allow myself to get messy, dive into things and just trust myself that whatever happens I will be ok.  Even if something hurts or I fail miserably or I hurt someone else, it’s all part of this beautiful, messy process of life.

Where are you playing it safe?  I dare you to dive in and let it get messy.




Emotional Maturity


Attitudes of Mind