Attitudes of Mind

I believe that people are always responding to what we are holding in our mind. If we believe something to be true about ourselves or someone, that will always be affirmed to us in our reality.  It can be no other way.

I’ve been on a Spanish adventure for the past week.  On my first day in Barcelona, I was noticing that people seemed unfriendly and unhelpful.  

Then I realized it was because of how I was thinking and acting. I was self-conscious not knowing the language at all.  I was thinking that people would be annoyed if I didn’t speak Spanish

So I was timid and wary.  In response to this, people were not responding well to me.

I decided to change my thoughts and change my behavior

I kept repeating to myself “I love people and people love me.”  “People are always helpful and can feel my good energy.”  Then I showed up more confidently and friendly with these new beliefs.  

In a matter of minutes, people were smiling at me in the street, helpful to me in stores and infinitely more welcoming!

It was so fun and cool to see such a shift so quickly.  Now I have met so many friendly and amazing people. I even manifested a free night in one of the places I was staying!

Life can be so fun when you understand how to use your mind to get what you want.  If there’s someone in your life that is not responding to you the way you’d like, shift your beliefs and attitude about them.  And watch them start to change.  




Playing it Safe

