Perfection = Antithesis of Progress

As I flowed in my yoga class yesterday trying to get every posture exactly right and judging myself if it wasn't perfect the teacher said something:

"Don't worry about being perfect - it only hinders what you're truly capable of."

Perfect is such an interesting concept because it means something different to all of us. Perfect to me could be completely different than perfect to someone else.

If we wait until things are "perfect" to do the things we want to do, they will NEVER get done. Nothing will ever be perfect and there is no perfect time.

Perfection is just a procrastination tactic. It's putting off things we want to do because of fear.

Do it today. Don't let the illusion of perfection get in the way.

In the spirit of non-perfection, I decided to include a different type of picture of me - first thing in the morning, makeup-less, hair a mess, in sweats etc. It may not seem like a big deal, but it is for a perfectionist like me. I will be cringing as it goes out :)



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Stop Shoulding on Yourself


Time is a gift.