Mind, Body & Soul

When I think back to where I was two years ago, I was in a very different place. I was riddled with anxiety, I had trouble sleeping, I had terrible eating habits, I drank too much etc.

I've always worked out and I started meditating around five years ago but when your life is a tornado, a little meditation isn't going to do much.

It wasn't until I started nurturing all aspects of myself that things started to change - my mind, my body and my soul.

Most people all know the importance of exercise on the body but are you also paying attention to the food you put into it? How do you feel after you eat? Does it make you feel energized or do you need a nap?

How about your mind - when was the last time you sat in stillness? Or watched all the negative thoughts that ran by in an effort to change them?

And your soul? Do you do things to feed it regularly like being out in nature, painting, blasting your favorite music and singing or dancing?

It's important to nourish ALL areas of yourself in order to feel whole, healthy and happy. When you are at your best, you can give your best to everyone and everything in your life.

Try to add one new habit this week that nourishes your mindbody or soul.






Two Sides of Being Human