Live Like You Were Dying

I love music and going to concerts is one of my favorite things to do, which is why I am beyond happy that they are back!  Over the weekend I went to two :)

I have very mystical experiences at concerts - something about the music that really moves me, the energy of the crowd and seeing musicians completely immersed in their craft all culminate to a deeply profound adventure for me.

During one of the concerts, I had the thought "What if this was my last concert ever?"  

In Buddhism, there is a practice of regularly contemplating your death.  

It sounds morbid but actually it's beautiful.  We walk around never thinking about our death, denying that it's ever going to happen.  When you keep death and the fleeting-ness of this life in the forefront of your mind, you start to experience everything differently, more deeply.

What if this was your last day?  The last time you saw this friend/loved one?  Last walk in the park, ice cream cone, concert?  Whatever it is.

You would savor everything a bit more, wouldn't you?!  

Death is certain.  It could be in 50 years, it could be tomorrow.  We have no idea.  The only thing we can do is live each day like it's our last.

Take that risk, forgive that person, make sure your people know you love them - treat each day like the gift that it is.




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