
Have you ever noticed how the words LISTEN and SILENT are spelled with the same letters?!  I believe in order to listen to the quiet whispers of your soul, you must stop all the noise both internally and externally.

I believe that all the answers we seek are inside of us.  And we have the ability to tap into infinite intelligence at any time.

The world is a noisy place and there’s tons of information flying at us, getting us to react and telling us who we should be.  On top of that, we have that critic in our head that is often barking at us “You should do this, you need to do that, why haven't you done this” etc.

It isn’t until we can get still and quiet the mind where our own personal truth can bubble up to be heard.  It’s not always what we want to hear and can often be scary to listen to, but I’ve found the more I listen to that subtle voice, the more easily my life flows.

The more we ignore that little voice, the more challenging our life gets.

For example - when I was engaged, I kept hearing that subtle little voice alerting me it wasn’t right.  But I chose to ignore it, stuff it down and go full steam ahead with wedding plans.  Then a year after the wedding, the whole marriage blew up in a very messy way that I still carry a lot of guilt around. 

This remains a challenge for me - trying to find my own personal truth amongst all the noise and then having the courage to follow it.

What is your soul trying to say to you?  Get silent to listen.






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