The late, great Wayne Dyer says ego is Edging Out God.
The ego is a mind created mechanism that allows us to have a separate experience.
There’s nothing wrong with the ego, until we mistake it to be who we are.
The ego looooves to judge, it loves to make something wrong and it loves to want things. It wants to want even more than it wants to have which is why when you get something you wanted, you’re only briefly satisfied.
If you become aware, you’ll notice all the ways the incessant ego is deluding you.
Left to its own devices and believing everything it says, we become very negative and disconnected.
Just like most things I preach about, awareness is always the first step. I’ve been acutely aware of my ego recently. And boy is it crazy! 😂
I’m learning how to just watch it carry on and not let it suck me into its drama. What we put our attention on is what we give our energy to, so if we are giving our ego our attention, we are feeding it energy that keeps it alive.
The more we can divert our attention back to the present moment, the ego gets weaker as we starve it from our precious energy.
The moment you start noticing it chirping up, do something physical like wiggle your toes or do a jumping jack or simply focus on your breathing. That will interrupt the pattern and get your focus back into the present moment.
And remember, you don't have to believe everything it says 😊
Try it!