I truly believe, what is desired by you, is destined for you. Meaning, you wouldn’t even have the desire for something that isn’t meant to be yours.
But something I’ve learned is there is a difference between our hearts’ desires and our egos’ desires.
Often times we desire things because we are coming from a place of lack or feelings of wanting to prove ourselves. “Once I have this, THEN I will be successful, have made it, be happy.etc” The ego feels incomplete and is always seeking MORE.
Unfortunately that feeling of wanting more is a bottomless pit that can never be satiated.
Our hearts’ desires come without the baggage. You may still desire something like massive wealth but it’s because you think it would be fun to have! Or maybe you always envisioned yourself having that huge house for the whole family, or traveling around the world to explore.
When you think about them, you feel uplifted and excited! When it comes from the ego, it’s stressful, feels heavy and the underlying energy is “I HAVE to have this otherwise I failed.”
I believe we put dreams in our heart before we came here to Earth School. When we go after those desires, they manifest much more easily and with less effort than the desires of our ego.
Check in with yourself - where are your desires coming from? Start searching your heart for many of us have buried those desires. Know they are yours for the taking if you’re brave enough to make a decision to go after them.