Be the Change

This phrase came up this past weekend while I was with my sister and then I saw two different people wearing a shirt with it in the airport on my way back to Denver.

It's such a cliche that we've all heard before but I took some time to contemplate its meaning since I felt the universe was trying to tell me something.

Then it hit me. I talk so much about how we give our power away to externalfactors always wanting other people and situations to be different.

But when we change ourselves, the outside changes.

🌟 Want more love from a partner, BE more loving

🌟Want more peace in the world, BE more peaceful at home

🌟Want more accountability from a coworker, BE more accountable yourself

🌟Want more respect from people, BE more respectful to yourself

The world is always mirroring back to us our beliefs and blindspots. If the same situation is consistently arising in different ways in your life, look inward and find how you are the one being the way you are asking others to be.

Literally BE THE CHANGE you want in your life.





