What You See

As I work on living my most authentic life, I've become acutely aware of how I come across publicly.  Several people have said things to me about what a fun Summer I'm having based off of these emails and my social media.

I definitely am and am so grateful for it.  But I'd also like to share another side.  For everything you see, there's also a lot you don't see. 

My internal struggles around things like: 

-Re-navigating a social life without alcohol
-Worry and doubts that come in around my business 
-Disappointments from dates gone bad
-My weight and image

I know this is true for most people.  For everything we see on the outside from anyone posting or even smiling to our faces and saying "I'm doing great," there's always another side that we don't see.

We've been conditioned to believe that life should be great and happy all the time.  If it's not, then something is "wrong" with us.

That is absolutely not true.  In Buddhism, there is a saying about life bringing 10,000 joys and 10,000 sorrows - meaning that life is a continuous flux of both.  The more we try to push away the sorrows, the more we're not being true to ourselves and what life wants to bring us.

My work is trying to embrace all of it - both the joys and the sorrows knowing that both are just as fleeting.  When we try to hold on to the joys and push away the sorrows, that's when we create suffering for ourselves.

I felt the need to share this to shed light on the fact that we all struggle.  Even if our lives look fun and glamorous on the outside, there's always things we don't see.  So be kind - for everyone is fighting a battle we know nothing about.






Being vs Doing