
Are you waiting for outside conditions to change in order for you to feel happy, fulfilled, loved, wealthy etc?

Like you want your partner to behave a certain way so you feel loved.  Or you want your bank account to have a certain amount to feel wealthy.  Or you want your boss to praise you more to feel appreciated.

As long you are waiting for outside conditions to change in order to feel a certain way, you will be waiting forever.


A couple of reasonsFirst off, “waiting” is actually a state of consciousness.  And from all I’ve learned and continue to study, it’s our state of consciousness that creates our reality.  So a state of waiting in your mind is sure to create a perpetual state of waiting in your reality.

Secondly, when we base our feelings off our outside circumstances, we give all of our power away.  What you may not realize is everything has to be created and cultivated from within first in order to have LASTING change in any area.

If you’re always looking for an outside circumstance to make you feel a certain way, you are constantly at the whim of the outside world.  And how often is the outside exactly what you’re looking for?  Almost never!!  Which means you will feel frustrated more of the time with only fleeting feelings of what you want to attain.

You must learn to cultivate all feelings within first so that becomes your state of consciousness and can manifest in the world around you.  Not sure how to do that?  That’s what I’m here for 😀 Reply with ME to get the link to book a no-cost call with me to learn how.




Two Paths


Nice vs Kind