
We tell stories a lot - stories of our past, what happened to us, stories of why we can’t live the way we want or why we are the way we are.

What is a story?  It’s a made up account of your life.  I say made up because it’s just your perspective on it.  

I’ve been noticing in meditation how at times a feeling will start bubbling up and my mind immediately attaches a story to it of why I feel that way.

That’s the job of the left brain, the analytical mind - to create a story.  What I’m realizing is that story may not have anything to do with the current feeling but the mind is trying to make sense of it.

If I catch it and let go of the story, I can just go into the sensation in my body and feel the feeling without judging it or getting stuck in the story.

The story is what keeps us stuck in the feeling.  If we just go into the emotion, the raw feeling of it and let it pass through us, it doesn’t take long for it to dissipate.  

If and when I find myself getting stuck in a story, I remind myself that there is always a higher perspective.  That maybe from my little point of view it seems harsh, but from the soul level, everything is perfectly orchestrated.  Even if it doesn’t seem like it to little ol’ human me.

Catch yourself when you are replaying stories of your past that don't feel good or creating new ones as an excuse in your life now.  Let the story go and just be present.




Change Your Mind, Change Your Life


Two Operating Systems