Case of the Monday's
I'd like to change the way we look at Monday's...
There are Universal Laws that govern our world and I'd like to bring your attention to the Law of Polarity.
It states that every thing and every situation has an opposite:
*Above & Below
*Inside & Outside
*Right & Wrong
*Good & Bad
You can FIND the positive in ANY situation if you look for it.
We tend to think of Monday's as negative or bad. Let's flip that script.
Monday's are an opportunity to start fresh! To appreciate a new week and what's to come! A chance to be a little better than you were last week.
REMEMBER: What we're experiencing now is a result of yesterday's thinking. If we want better days ahead, start thinking & feeling better today.
For a quick and inspiring story on how someone accomplished something BIG in a SHORT amount of time, download the 333 story.