
Wayne Dyer says ego is Edging God Out.  I like that but I also don’t like to make the ego into an enemy.

In my opinion, the ego is a lens we wear over consciousness that helps give us an individualized experience.  It’s our personality, our character.  Without it, there would be no individuation.

But we do have to learn the tactics of the ego that cause us to suffer.  You see, the ego believes we are separate - separate from others, from God, from our desires.   It strengthens this separate self by making others wrong - it judges, it complains, it creates enemies. 

When we believe this commentary of the egoic mind, we suffer.  This is where we have to pay attention.  We don’t need to believe these thoughts the ego is having us think.  We can remember that we all are part of one source, one infinite sea of consciousness.  When we hear those complaints, judgements or enemies pop up in our head, we can just ignore what it says.

This is the key to freedom - not believing all your thoughts.  The ego has us believe we are our mind - that we are the constant dialogue going on in our heads.  But the moment we create some space and realize that is not who we are, we don’t have to get tangled up into the drama of the ego.

My ego loves to complain and throws a lot of fits about the way it thinks things should be.  I just watch with loving compassion like a calm mother watching a child throw a tantrum.  I don’t react, I just let it be.

Watch how your ego deludes you.  Watch how it is always making things into an enemy.  Because if there is no other, that is death to the ego.  Don’t try to stop it, just watch in curiosity and don’t let it whisk you away into a sea of drama and negative emotions.

If you do this, you will see that there is ever-present peace underneath the noise of the ego.




Mind is Resistance


Warren’s Wisdom